Dementia, simply put, is the deterioration of one’s mental faculties. The symptoms include a progressive memory loss that increases in frequency, confusion, and a progressive decline in the ability to perform regular tasks.

Dementia, however, can have symptoms very similar to depression, vitamin and hormone deficiencies, infections, medication interactions, overmedication, and even brain tumors. This is why it is important for a patient to have the right diagnosis before a treatment plan is put into motion.

Dementia is an “umbrella term” used to define the syndrome of overall mental decline. Alzheimer’s disease, which is often confused with Dementia, is but one of the diagnoses that can fall under Dementia. The good news is that both Alzheimer’s and Dementia can be managed properly, especially with early detection. In fact, there are cases where some patients have made a full recovery. In some other cases, a vitamin deficiency was isolated, and after the right treatments, a full recovery was also experienced. If you note in both of the cases cited in the links, catching the disease in time was the key to proper management.

In the Philippines, it is a common notion that as soon as a person hits the senior years, a mental decline is to be expected. The literature regarding Dementia, however, states that mental decline is NOT something that a senior citizen has to expect. It is a disease, and it has to be managed appropriately.

Thankfully, there are fully equipped hospitals and diagnostic centers available for the needed lab and imaging tests to determine dementia. For example, the Asian Hospital and Medical Center’s Brain Wellness Center is fully-equipped to provide a comprehensive set of tests to determine the existence and type of Dementia in a patient. If the Asian Hospital’s rates are too high, these pages on medical Imaging, CT Scans, and MRI Scans on health-tourism.com point to which hospitals can provide you and your patient with the tests you need.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are treatable conditions. Some patients were able to enjoy a great quality of life with their spouses, such as in these stories:

Indeed, there is no need to suffer an acute expression of your patient’s disease. The moment you see the symptoms, head on over to a neurologist, find out where to get the most affordable imaging tests, and cooperate with the doctor for the best treatment plan for your patient.

Prevention is better than cure, but when the disease has started, early diagnosis and proper management are key.


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