January 25, 2016 marked a milestone in Philippine Cosmetic Surgery. The Surgery Center Centuria Medical Makati and Spectrumed brought world renowned cosmetic surgeon Dr. Brian Kinney to perform a procedure using new machines and techniques that are minimally invasive, painless, a single treatment solution, gives little or no downtime for the patient and is a quick and easy procedure.

ThermiTight is a treatment wherein the surgeon applies a controlled amount of thermal energy to targeted tissue. A tiny probe is used to gently heat specific tissues to a pre-determined therapeutic temperature. The whole procedure is monitored in real time by a Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) camera and monitor.

 The surgeon can then precisely use the probe on the tissues that need to be treated with heat and at the same time provide constant feedback and actual temperature during the course of the treatment.

The procedure was done remove “double chins” on a patients and that it took less than an hour with no pain and discomfort felt during the entire course of the procedure. The patient was conscious the whole time and Dr. Kinney was doing a step-by-step narration of the entire procedure. Also, a very accurate description on what being shown at the FLIR monitor was continuously discussed.

Dr. Brian Kinney, aside from his medical degrees also have a masters degree in chemical engineering and electronics engineering. This synthesis of various disciplines enabled Dr. Kinney to develop the new technique together with the combination of new machines.

The Surgery Center Centuria Medical Makati was the first  facility where this new procedure was conducted.

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